
New Features

  • Customer licenses can optionally be assigned to multiple channels, giving customers the ability to choose one of the selected release channels for each installation.
  • A new Replicated CLI is installed that exposes the ability to manually perform most actions which would previously require the Admin Console. The original CLI is still available with no changes. To manually enable replicatedctl on servers upgraded from previous versions, see the manual instructions
  • Previous versions of an application can be installed using a parameter in the easy install script or by creating a Replicated configuration file.
  • The Premkit and Statsd external networks are now automatically added as environment variables into application containers on the Swarm scheduler.
  • Preflight checks are now enabled on the Kubernetes scheduler with several Kubernetes-specific items added.


  • Added all detected parameters from a running Replicated server into the support bundle, regardless of where they were set.
  • Admin Console Boolean configuration options are now allowable as values to templatable when properties in the application YAML. This eliminates the need to build off multiple hidden config options.
  • The maximum clock skew between nodes in a Replicated cluster is configurable on the Console Settings page of the Admin Console.
  • The Admin Console enforces CSRF tokens on browsers with low security settings.

Bug Fixes

  • Automated installs will now work with airgap licenses.
  • Kubernetes deployments with replica values that evaluate to 0 will no longer prevent the application from starting.
  • Increased the reliability of application start/stop state in the Admin Console.
  • Fixed an issue where updating a configuration option would not be automatically applied until the next application restart.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause invalid YAML to prevent an update from being applied or skipped.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause an application update to fail to apply after Replicated was automatically updated.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the proxy server settings to be written incorrectly on systemd systems.


Bug Fixes


New Features

  • Added additional Replicated features when deploying on Docker Swarm:
    • Added the ability to utilize Docker secrets in an application.
    • Airgapped installations are now supported.
    • Admin commands are now supported.
    • Better error messages are displayed in the admin console and logs when a Docker Swarm stack fails to deploy or start.
    • Application containers will now be automatically added to the premkit and statsd networks. This makes it easier to use the Replicated Integration API in your application.
  • The application specific installation scripts will now apply custom branding to all screens, including the screens before the license is uploaded.
  • Component names are now a required field. They were strongly recommended before, but it’s not possible to save YAML without component names now.
  • When installing using the easy install script, supported operating systems will receive Docker version 17.03.1-ce. Older operating systems will continue to receive older Docker versions as needed.
  • Unsupported console settings are hidden from the console settings page in the admin console.
  • The public port property in container configurations are now optional. When not specified, Replicated will let Docker choose the best port.
  • The initial cluster instance count property can now use Replicated template functions.
  • The support bundle will now report if the installation is airgapped.
  • Added ability to start snapshots via Replicated CLI.
  • Added an admin console dashboard warning if Replicated detects a clock skew higher than 5 minutes on any operator.
  • Easy installation script now supports Amazon Linux 2017.03.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue where running admin commands with a --help flag would not correctly render line breaks.
  • Global services in Swarm will no longer prevent Replicated applications from stopping completely.
  • Fixed the instructions on the Cluster page of the admin console when running in Airgap mode to show proper instructions.
  • The Docker version in the host requirements is now treated as a minimum.
  • Added support for SUSE Enterprise Linux 12 in the install scripts.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing preflight checks from being able to determine the number of CPU cores when executed on single core Google Cloud Platform and Amazon Web Services EC2 instances.
  • Easy installation script will now correctly tag Replicated component images as current on older versions of Docker.
  • Fixed an issue when no files were selected for a multiple file input, an empty directory was created on the server.
  • Fixed an issue where a failed preflight check on a server running Docker 17.04 could prevent user from continuing with the installation.
  • Fixed an issue with file owner from being applied if the permissions were not also set in the YAML.
  • Fixed an issue preventing Replicated from properly parsing the Docker Enterprise Edition version strings.
  • Fixed an issue preventing Replicated from properly parsing the Oracle Enterprise Linux version strings.


New Features

  • Replicated now supports deploying a Swarm (docker-compose v3/3.1 YAML). The following features are supported:
    • Added a new easy install script to provision a new Swarm cluster while installing Replicated. Documentation is available.
    • Added support for Replicated Automatic Updates when running in Swarm.
    • Added support for private images pushed to the Replicated registry. Swarm supports both public images and private images in the Replicated registry with no additional configuration required.
    • Added statsd/graphite support and custom monitors on the dashboard. The standard CPU and memory graphs are not supported currently.
    • The support bundle now contains Swarm specific data when running Replicated in Swarm.
    • Added the Replicated Integration API endpoint as a new network, joined to both the Replicated and the application network.
    • An new section of our docs was written to help get started with deploying Replicated on Swarm at https://www.replicated.com/docs/packaging-an-application/docker-swarm.
    • An example application (Voting app) showing how to deploy a Swarm application on Replicated is at https://www.replicated.com/docs/examples/swarm-votingapp/.
    • Added support for pointing the AppURL on the Admin Console to a service endpoint.
    • Added several new template functions to support Swarm installations.
    • Added SwarmIngressAddress template function to determine the generated ingress address of the service.
    • Added SwarmNodeIDs template function to get a list of all Docker node ids in the cluster.
    • Added Namespace template function to read the generated namespace of the application in Swarm.
  • When running Replicated on Kubernetes, it’s now possible to run Replicated in a non-default namespace.
  • The ready state default time has changed from 2 seconds to 5 seconds.
  • The ready state timeout is configurable in the application YAML.
  • Added an autoscale property to the component level in the Replicated scheduler.
  • Added a feature to the license page that allows a license to be locked to a specific version of the application. This will prevent updates past this version and will force new installs to start at this version.
  • Custom preflight checks can use config files from the application YAML.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a missing error message when multiple Replicated Operator containers with the same ID attempt to join the Replicated service. This is relevant for Replicated scheduler only.
  • Fixed the “download” button on the snapshot restore page to properly download the recoverable volume.
  • Fixed issue where using a AWS generated DNS name in the SSL Hostname input would generate errors.


New Features


  • When an application update and an update to Replicated are both available at the same time, it no longer requires the user to click accept, then go back and accept the other. All pending updates will be applied at the same time.
  • The install script will warn when Docker is installed with devicemapper in loopback mode. This is not a recommended configuration from Docker. When this warning is displayed, a link to the Docker recommendations is also provided. We also added an argument to skip this check by passing in bypass-storagedriver-warnings to the install script.
  • Preflight checks support parsing the new Docker versioning semantics (YY.MM instead of semver).
  • Install scripts parsing the new Docker versioning semantics.
  • Removed the requirement that LDAP users belong to at least one group to use in Replicated. This works with services such as Jumpcloud, using the default configuration now.
  • Added a heartbeat on the Replicated and Replicated Operator communication channel. This will help reconnect when the network connection is broken and not detected as broken by either endpoint.
  • Updated default preflight checks to allow for Docker up to version 1.13.1.
  • Updated the base Replicated Docker images from Alpine 3.3 to Alpine 3.4.
  • Changed the port-available custom preflight checks to run sequentially instead of in parallel when there are multiple checks.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that was causing Replicated to leak one file handle every time the Replicated UI page was loaded.
  • Fixed a bug that was causing the cluster page in the Admin Console to show the wrong IP address after a snapshot restore process completed.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused config files not to be owned by the requested user when a custom owner was specified in the application yaml. This bug affects versions >= 2.5.0.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that would cause the incorrect DAEMON_ADDRESS to show up in the /cluster page after it changes.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause a Replicated 2.5.0 or later installation running as the replicated user to not have the correct permissions to access a relocated statsd volume.
  • Removed a warning from preflight checks when running Docker 1.13.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that would cause the Replicated UI container to stop on the “Secure The Console” screen if a hostname is provided without a custom key and cert
  • Fixed an issue in the install scripts that could cause the install script to render an init script using a non-root user with an older version of Replicated when using Replicated auto updates and custom app install scripts


New Features

  • Custom Preflight Checks are available. Read more about the feature on our blog. Full documentation is available on our docs.
  • The Replicated on-prem UI now has a logout item on the top menu.
  • The Replicated CLI now supports restoring snapshots from the command line.
  • All Replicated components can now run as a lower privileged user instead of root. This will be automatically enabled for any installs or updates that use the easy install script to install 2.5.0 or later.
  • Added support for Docker 1.13.
  • Added support for setting ulimit parameters when starting containers. Documentation is available.
  • Added new template functions:
    • AppID: returns the current application appid.
    • AppVersion: returns the current version (sequence) of the application.
    • AppVersionFirst: Returns the version sequence of the first version installed.
    • AppVersionCurrent: Returns the current app version sequence.
    • RunOffline: Returns whether or not the application is running in airgap mode.
    • NowFmt: Returns the current timestamp as a formatted string.
    • TrimSpace: Returns a string with all leading and trailing spaces removed.
    • Trim: Returns a string with all leading and trailing string contained in the optional args removed.
    • HumanSize: Returns a human-readable approximation of a size in bytes.
    • ParseBool: Converts a string to a boolean value.
    • ParseFloat: Converts a string to a float value.
    • ParseInt: Converts a string to an integer value.
    • ParseUint: Converts a string to an unsigned integer value.
  • Improved release notes.


  • Replicated API version numbers are now always guaranteed to be equal to Replicated release version numbers. You can stop using replicated_api_version and rely on automatic updates.
  • In the support bundle, journalctl are now in reverse so that the newest log lines are never truncated.
  • All Replicated on-prem endpoints now require a header of Content-Type: application/json as an anti-CSRF measure.
  • Filesystem permissions for /var/lib/replicated and /var/run/replicated files are changed to be owned by the replicated user, instead of root when running the easy install script.
  • Statsd, graphite and premkit now inherit the user account from the Replicated container, instead of always running as root.
  • Start mounting /etc directory instead of several directories under /etc.
  • Reduced filesystem permissions on replicated.sock file to 0660.
  • Added sysconfig logs to the support bundle.
  • Support for custom installations where the images are already present, Replicated will not attempt to pull. This is useful for automated testing environments.

Bug Fixes

  • When rendering the console settings page, fields of type password are not included in the payload.
  • Changed restart policy from never to no because never is not supported in Docker 1.13.
  • Allow Replicated to use locally tagged images when normally tagged images do not exist
  • Improved error messages when the replicated-operator container experiences an error.
  • A release YAML that’s marked as required but has an invalid cmd field can no longer be skipped.
  • Fixed bug that could cause replicated-operator to not restart when an update to Replicated is automatically applied.
  • Fixed bug that made proxy settings in the console settings page not apply at runtime.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented a snapshot restore process from automatically advance the UI to the preflight checks.


  • Due to the listed change for anti-CSRF measures, after updating to 2.5.0, users will have to manually refresh the Replicated Admin Console browser tab.


Bug Fixes

  • Broken image links fixed on “Bypass Browser TLS Warning” page
  • Proxy settings updated via On-prem console are now correctly applied after restart
  • Re-runs of failed preflight checks will now retry all preflight checks