
Bug Fixes

  • Airgapped installations no longer attempt to make any calls to replicated APIs
  • Snapshot restore advances UI to preflight checks
  • Automated installs now correctly identify license location (changed in 2.4.0)


New Features

  • IPv6 support
  • Metric graphs now show the container display name rather than container ID


  • Application container logs now available in support bundle even after an application restart
  • Passwords entered in the Replicated dashboard/settings page are encrypted locally
  • Added out of disk space warning to Replicated UI and improved warning during airgapped installations
  • Oracle Linux is now a supported OS in preflight checks

Bug Fixes

  • Prevent update attempts while polling for ready state
  • Replicated dashboard works on Internet Explorer 11
  • License expiration policies are enforced without license syncs
  • Replicated backwards-compatible with airgap packages made before July 2016


Bug Fixes

  • Automated installs that use boolean settings flags now render correctly on the settings page
  • Resolved possible i8n concurrency bug
  • Fixed a bug that caused license screen to be inadvertently show
  • Fix for support bundle “write too long” error on systems with Journald


New Features

  • Added YAML timeout field for event orchestration (default timeout is 10 minutes). See the new fields from and util in the metrics documentation
  • Added support in YAML for customizable time periods in custom metric graphs


  • TLS v1.2 is now the fixed protocol version across onprem components
  • Docker version 1.12.3 is now the default installed version via the Replicated Easy Install Script
  • Preflight checks accept up to Docker version 1.12.3

Bug Fixes

  • Long running ephemeral containers no longer cause application to time out in conjunction with timeout feature
  • Support bundles now generate under airgap install when the host OS uses Journald


New Features

  • Added ability to alias admin commands using a custom name instead of “replicated admin”. Docs are at https://www.replicated.com/docs/…
  • Added YAML feature to require a version of Replicated (semver range support) and have Replicated auto-update during application update installation.
  • Docker content trust and signed images support.
  • Dashboard I8N support.


  • Changed default setting when promoting a release from “required” to “optional”.
  • Preflight check support for RHEL 7.3.
  • Shell authentication removed for all CLI calls. It’s assumed that root shell access will give you access to the Replicated CLI.
  • Metrics dashboard can now include multiple charts per graph.
  • Update check interval can now be set using cron syntax.
  • License expiration date shown on license page.
  • LDAP support for restricting users to 1 or more groups.
  • Added “None” type for smpt_auth which only validates port accessibility

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved potential shutdown race condition for containers with --restart. Replicated will now remove the restart policy from containers before attempting to shut them down.
  • Snapshot and restore option no longer visible on Console Settings page when snapshots are disabled in YML.
  • Updating TLS console settings now automatically restarts web server and doesn’t require a Replicated restart.
  • Switching to static statsd ports now correctly takes effect after an application upgrade.
  • Snapshots of missing files now correctly cause snapshot to fail.


New Features

  • Improved Airgap install user interface
  • Clustering field can use template functions


  • Dashboard better informs user during upgrade process
  • HTTP landing page auto-redirects to HTTPS if certs are installed
  • Amazon Linux AMI 2016.09 supported
  • Installer now accepts “public-address”
  • Applications using event sequencing on stop now shutdown containers in the reverse start order
  • Template functions now include add, subtract, multiple and divide

Bug Fixes

  • Re-running install script with new proxy setting updates Replicated
  • Upgrade check on expired license now informs user “License Expired”
  • Validation on required fields no longer prompts multiple times
  • Tags are ignored when clustering is false


New Features

  • Support for setting the name of a container instead of the random names assigned by docker-engine.
  • The Replicated scheduler supports specifying a custom entrypoint that will be used when starting containers.
  • Support volumes_from in the Replicated scheduler.
  • Added a new test_proc that can determine if a string is valid JSON.
  • Add new license option to allow the application to be stopped when the license has expired.
  • Added a LicenseProperty template function that can return “assignee”, “channel.name”, “expiration.date” or “expiration.policy”.


  • The data attribute in publish_events supports template functions. This allows for port-listen events to be bound to a port that is dynamically exposed.
  • LDAP credentials now support raw LDAP queries, allowing for more advanced configurations.
  • If you aren’t using Snapshots, you can choose to hide this tile. However, nothing shows up in it’s place.
  • During installation time, a custom port can be defined for replicated-ui, overriding port 8800.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed problem that caused an error when operators were added and tagged while an application is starting


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue related to Docker 1.12 when and pulling images by SHA
  • Improved named volumes support, including validation on volume name



  • Support templates in security_options
  • Support optional containers in event orchestration
  • Use less CPU when showing graphite charts

Bug Fixes

  • Fix scheduled app upgrade task going away when a manual update check



  • Support bundle now includes Journald logs
  • Detect Red Hat flavored docker

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved direct access issue for graphite UI dashboard
  • Resolved console settings update proxy flow