

  • The Premkit, Statsd-graphite and Cmd containers are now hosted on registry.replicated.com/library.

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue where the CLI would not respect the custom support timeout and timeout after 5 minutes.
  • Replicated audit log containers no longer publish any ports on the hosts’s network.


New Features

  • We’ve added support for airgap installations to the automated installation process by setting a new parameter named LicenseBootstrapAirgapPackagePath in /etc/replicated.conf.
  • Multi-channel licenses can now be automated to use a non-default channel using the new param LicenseBootstrapChannelID in /etc/replicated.conf.
  • Swarm install script now accepts one or more exclude-subnet flags to prevent Docker from creating networks in a subnet.
  • Replicated and Swarm install scripts now accept a no-ce-on-ee flag which prevents installation of Docker CE on enterprise Linux distributions including RHEL, SLES and Oracle Linux.
  • The Replicated install script now accepts the fast-timeouts flag which sets all input timeouts within the init script to 1 second.


  • The Replicated, Repliated UI and Replicated Operator containers now use debian:stretch-slim as their base image. This will result in significantly smaller image sizes.
  • The Replicated installation script will now install the container-selinux package on RHEL 7 when installing Docker, if required.
  • Application namespaces when using the Swarm scheduler have been shortened from 43 characters to 12 characters for new installations.
  • When installing Docker, the install scripts will now use Docker’s stable channel repos rather than edge.
  • The updated support bundle (optionally enabled on the Customer page) has been updated to store Docker logs in two files (stdout, stderr) and also increased compatibility with older Docker versions.

Bug Fixes

  • All known CVEs with patches have been patched in the Docker images Replicated installs.
  • Custom publish event timeouts in the Replicated native scheduler were being ignored and set to 10 minutes.
  • Restoring from a snapshot on a single host airgap install was not restoring application images.
  • Counts of global services shown on the cluster page when using the Swarm scheduler were never reporting more than 1 replica.
  • The Swarm node master address shown in the Add Node modal was incorrect on Docker 1.13.
  • Within README.md in the v2 support bundle, VERSION.txt has been replaced by VERSION.json, matching the file present.
  • Preflight checks displayed resource requirements in GiB (2^30), not GB (10^9), which did not match how values were parsed within the application yaml.
  • Applications were occasionally failing to start after restoring the nodes of a cluster from a snapshot.
  • The Replicated on-prem audit log was broken when SELinux was enabled due to improper SELinux labels being applied to related containers.
  • Replicated test_procs were receiving stale config settings with values using recursive templating.



  • When using the Swarm scheduler, ports 3000, 4150, 4151, and 5432 were being unecessarily published by Replicated services, preventing an application from using these ports. These will no longer be published to the host.


New Features

  • The Replicated Developer Studio has been released, with a quick and simple installation experience, and full documentation on how to integrate Studio into your development workflow.
  • The Replicated Support Bundle feature has been improved for all three schedulers resulting in shorter generation times and a more consistent directory structure. The new Support Bundle has been added as an opt-in feature for all existing applications and has been turned on by default for all new accounts.
  • Admin Console Audit Log Enhancements from release 2.14.0 have now been added to Replicated when running with the Kubernetes and Swarm schedulers.
  • Added support for the Docker container shm-size parameter when using the Replicated native scheduler.


  • When pinning a release version to a license, Replicated will no longer allow the customer to download subsequent versions of the application.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that causes Kubernetes jobs deployed by Replicated to fail.
  • Replicated will no longer leak LDAP credentials when logs are in “debug” mode.
  • Fixed an issue that in some cases prevents the application from starting when using private Docker Hub images that results in the error “missing signature key”.
  • Fixed an issue that results in an internal server error on the console settings page when an unparseable http proxy url is entered.
  • Fixed an issue that prevents read-only fields including labels from rendering templated values.
  • Replicated will no longer inadvertently roll back values in console settings after initial install.


New Features

  • Ephemeral containers are now possible when using the Docker Swarm scheduler.
  • Admin Console Audit Log Enhancements
    • Replicated now ships with a more powerful embedded Audit Log that supports programmatic access, powerful structured search, and CSV exports.
    • We split this out to help make Replicated more manageable, more supportable, and better optimized for multi-node infrastructure.
    • Help Center articles have been added for Searching the Embedded Audit Log and Programmatic Audit Log API Access.
    • The advanced audit log ships with 5 new containers. A small amount of additional memory is required on the Replicated master node to support these containers.
    • The Admin Console will display an “Initializing Components” screen while starting the audit log, if it’s not already running during an installation.
    • The advanced audit log is currently supported in the Replicated scheduler. Support for Kubernetes and Swarm will be added in an upcoming release.


  • Unify logging format for all three Replicated containers.
  • Changed level of expected log line “failed to render sse event err=“write unix /var/run/replicated/replicated.sock->@: write: broken pipe”” from info to debug.

Bug Fixes

  • Replicated will now report the proper “stopped” status when a container with no event subscriptions fails to start.
  • Fixed an issue where some logging is going to stdout rather than stderr from the replicated process.
  • Removed sensitive data from console settings debug log. This was being inadvertendly logged if the server was reconfigured to run in debug mode.
  • Stopped Replicated from reverting to an old TLS certificate when configured via /etc/replicated.conf and upgrading from Replicated versions prior to 2.10.0.
  • Fixed an issue that causes the application to fail to start on older versions of Docker including 1.9.1.
  • Removed a panic that could cause Replicated to restart when using the Replicated scheduler under certain conditions.
  • Fixed an issue where some debug log lines were visible when at level info and above in the replicated process.
  • Allowed snapshot restore to complete even when restoring empty directories.
  • Fixed an issue that caused replicated to crash when loading certain application yaml files that used none as a value.


Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue that caused multi-line environment variables to fail to parse, preventing the application from starting.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that causes the Integration API to be unavailable on installations upgraded to 2.13.0 from a prior release after removing the premkit container.


New Features


  • Expand auditing to track over 150 different UI and CLI actions in the Audit Log.
  • Premkit will now use a directory in /tmp for its data volume instead of an root level directory. This data will be recreated if lost, it’s safe to delete at runtime.
  • In the Replicated scheduler environment variables, we’ve renamed the static_val key to value. The static_val name will continue to work, but you’ll start to see warnings to update it.
  • Preflight check will now only dial the on-premises registry with TLS. This prevents a harmless error in the logs http: TLS handshake error from <HOST>:<PORT>: EOF.
  • Removed an expected error log line open /var/lib/replicated/db/cipher: no such file or directory.
  • Upgrade BoltDB to v1.3.1 to fix a bug with file allocation. BoltDB is an internal dependency of Replicated on-prem components.
  • Replicated now waits for work to finish before exiting when receiving a shutdown signal. The time waited can be configured by setting the parameter shutdown_cleanup_wait. Default is shutdown_cleanup_wait=5s.
  • The Replicated easy install script will now set the Docker storage driver to loop-lvm on RHEL and CentOS servers with an XFS filesystem. The storage driver will be left as overlay or overlay2 only when the minimum requirements are met.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that causes the user to re-enter the login username on the “Secure the Admin Console” page when updating the LDAP authentication credentials.
  • Fixed an issue that causes config items to unexpectedly be visible when chaining conditional items with template functions in the when property.
  • Fixed an issue that causes the Replicated 1.2 installation script to install the latest Docker version. The correct docker version is 1.12.3 for most Linux distributions.
  • Fixed an issue that causes all application settings applied after an update has been downloaded to revert after that update is applied to the vendor application.
  • Fixed an issue that prevents XSS injection from the vendor application’s config.item.description property in the config settings screen of the on-prem admin console.
  • Fixed an issue in the operator transport that resulted in increased memory footprint over time.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause custom metrics time series data to be inadvertently included in payloads sent to Replicated APIs.
  • Fixed an issue where symbolic links included in the snapshot would not be restored pointing at the correct target, resulting in broken links on the file system.
  • Fixed an issue where snapshot restore would restore only one volume when multiple volumes are included in the snapshot.
  • Fixed an issue where changes to app name in yaml were not reflected on the admin dashboard when a new version is applied.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue in 2.12.0 that caused LDAP auth to fail when no restricted group is specified.


New Features

  • Replicated now supports LDAP and Active Directory configurations that require multiple domains or organizational units. This works with the Admin Console security settings and the LDAP Integration API.
  • Additional YAML fields have been added to the Replicated scheduler to support SELinux.
  • SELinux support was also added to the Kubernetes scheduler in Replicated.


  • The easy install script will now install Docker 17.06.2, unless otherwise specified.
  • Install scripts now supports the replicated_tag flag to set the version for all Replicated components.
  • Added a new LDAP Server Type selector to the Admin Console password screen.
  • Upgraded Replicated core components to use the latest alpine:3.6 and debian:stretch base images.
  • When using the Replicated scheduler, all node addresses will be added to the NO_PROXY and no_proxy environment variables in every application container.

Bug Fixes

  • The file /var/log/upstart/docker.log was missing from the support bundle.
  • Resolved an issue that was preventing custom monitors from appearing in the Admin Console of new browser sessions.
  • When the snapshots tile was hidden from the Admin Console, the “reload” button could not be dismissed.
  • Removed an extra (duplicated) field from the Console Settings snapshots section.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the CA from being properly restored on remote nodes.
  • If a required, interim release is not present during an airgap update, the Admin Console would report that it was unable to reach api.replicated.com. This is now the correct message.
  • Fixed a crash when templates are used in a config group run_on_save property.
  • Fixed an issue that caused incorrect text to be displayed by default in the port field of the Admin Console LDAP interface.
  • Fixed some cases where Replicated was not settings the no_proxy variable when using the Replicated scheduler.
  • Removed a lock that could cause replicated-operator and replicated to lose communication when using the Replicated scheduler.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some user entities returned by the Identity Integration API to be missing groups for Active Directory servers.
  • Updated our install scripts to properly support RHEL 6.