
New Features

  • The Replicated Developer Studio has been released, with a quick and simple installation experience, and full documentation on how to integrate Studio into your development workflow.
  • The Replicated Support Bundle feature has been improved for all three schedulers resulting in shorter generation times and a more consistent directory structure. The new Support Bundle has been added as an opt-in feature for all existing applications and has been turned on by default for all new accounts.
  • Admin Console Audit Log Enhancements from release 2.14.0 have now been added to Replicated when running with the Kubernetes and Swarm schedulers.
  • Added support for the Docker container shm-size parameter when using the Replicated native scheduler.


  • When pinning a release version to a license, Replicated will no longer allow the customer to download subsequent versions of the application.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that causes Kubernetes jobs deployed by Replicated to fail.
  • Replicated will no longer leak LDAP credentials when logs are in “debug” mode.
  • Fixed an issue that in some cases prevents the application from starting when using private Docker Hub images that results in the error “missing signature key”.
  • Fixed an issue that results in an internal server error on the console settings page when an unparseable http proxy url is entered.
  • Fixed an issue that prevents read-only fields including labels from rendering templated values.
  • Replicated will no longer inadvertently roll back values in console settings after initial install.