
Bug Fixes

  • The yaml configuration for the Contour Ingress controller included with Replicated Embedded Kubernetes has been updated to be compatible with Contour v0.11.0.



Bug Fixes

  • Content-Security-Policy, X-Frame-Options, and X-XSS-Protection headers have been added to the On-Prem Admin Console to prevent XSS attacks and clickjacking.
  • Pulling images will no longer count against the timeout when running Programmable Preflight Checks or Test Procedures on the Native scheduler, preventing command timeout errors.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented an application from starting when a Swarm service was included in “replicated” mode with replicas set to zero.
  • Fixed an issue that resulted in a 404 error when running the replicatedctl snapshot restore command when using Replicated Embedded Kubernetes.
  • Fixed an issue with the Native scheduler that prevented the Replicated Operator from reconnecting after a disconnection, requiring an Operator restart.
  • The Replicated Embedded Kubernetes install script will ensure a properly configured storage class is present every time it is run.
  • The Native easy install scripts will no longer re-prompt the user with a Firewalld warning.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Swarm auto-upgrades to revert HTTP_PROXY and NO_PROXY settings.
  • The Swarm airgapped “Add Node” modal in the On-Prem Admin Console now correctly references the script included in airgapped bundles.
  • Custom certificates uploaded to airgapped Replicated Embedded Kubernetes installations will no longer be overwritten when upgrading Replicated from versions prior to 2.34.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed multiple snapshot restores to run in parallel, resulting in failed snapshots.
  • All known CVEs with fixes have been patched in all images distributed by Replicated at the time of the release. For more information see this article.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue introduced in version 2.34.0 that prevents Native applications from starting when the spec contains a container with the cluster_instance_count.inital property set to a value greater than 1.
  • The native to Kubernetes migration script will no longer exit early when activation is required.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Replicated to overwrite custom TLS cert and key with generated ones on restart.


New Features


  • The Admin Console started (server.start) event in the audit log now includes the Replicated version.
  • Replicated Embedded Kubernetes will now set the storageClassName of the audit log’s Persistent Volume Claim.
  • Application config is now included in the support bundle at replicated/internal/app-config.json. Password fields are redacted.
  • More info level logging has been added when a Replicated Embedded Kubernetes application is starting up.
  • The command replicated app <id> rm has been removed.
  • Replicated Embedded Kubernetes will now mark its StorageClass as the default StorageClass for the cluster by setting the storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class annotation.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that prevented upgrading an application alongside an auto-update of Replicated when that spec was incompatible with the previous Replicated version due to unsupported template functions.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause airgapped updates to fail due to application YAML corruption when running with the Swarm or Kubernetes schedulers.
  • Fixed an issue that caused an error if a private image was being used in a Programmable Preflight Check in Swarm.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause settings to revert when syncing a license or updating an application when there is a replicated.conf ImportSettingsFrom file present. Replicated can be reverted to the previous behavior by setting ForceUseImportedSettings to true in the replicated.conf file.
  • When a custom TLS certificate/key cannot be parsed successfully, a new certificate and key will be generated automatically to avoid crashing Replicated.
  • CPU performance has been improved when running with the Native scheduler.
  • Replicated Embedded Kubernetes will now properly wait for StatefulSets when reporting application state.
  • Fixed an issue that prevents saving the application settings form when a password field is hidden from a when condition and a password manager is enabled in the browser.
  • Config groups will no longer be visible in the left navigation when only hidden items are present.
  • Fixed an issue with Kubelet on worker nodes of a Replicated Embedded Kubernetes cluster failing to detect Rook plugins. The node join script now has a wait-for-rook flag that will block until Rook is ready and then restart the Kubelet. The Replicated console will include this flag in its generated scripts when Rook is detected.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented restores with Replicated Embedded Kubernetes from completing when there were no PVCs specified in the backup.
  • Fixed handling of leading slashes in shared filesystem snapshot paths specified in backup.kubernetes.shared_fs_paths.
  • Fixed a confusing log line where Replicated Embedded Kubernetes claims to restore more PVCs than it actually does.
  • The command replicatedctl app-config set will now result in an error when attempting to set a non-existent config item.
  • Fixed a misleading error message in the support bundle errors.json file, when the command os.read-file was run and the file did not exist.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause an error when running Programmable Preflight Checks or Test Procedures multiple times in succession when using Replicated Embedded Kubernetes.
  • Fixed an error in the browser console that prevented the user from toggling on the Docker CLI option in the node add modal when using the Swarm scheduler.
  • Kubernetes resource type PodDisruptionBudget will now be removed and replaced when applying changes to the Kubernetes application spec.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the Preflight Checks page from loading in the Admin Console when no Operators are connected when using the Native scheduler.
  • Added a meaningful error message when no applications are found associated with the installed scheduler.
  • Added a meaningful error message when no channels are associated with a license.
  • All known CVEs with fixes have been patched in all images distributed by Replicated at the time of the release. For more information see this article.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with snapshots and restores using the replicatedctl command with S3 as a backend. The behavior of the --path flag and corresponding SnapshotsPath parameter have been reverted to their pre-2.33.0 behavior of only applying to local and SFTP backends. A new --s3-folder flag and SnapshotsS3Folder parameter have been added to control the folder used for snapshots in S3 buckets.



Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that prevented some migrated Kubernetes installations from successfully provisioning PVCs.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the audit log on some migrated Kubernetes installations from initializing.
  • Limited logging from the retraced-cron audit log container to be that of level Error or higher.
  • All known CVEs with fixes have been patched in all images distributed by Replicated at the time of the release. For more information see this article.


New Features


  • Applying configuration changes when using Replicated Embedded Kubernetes is now significantly faster.
  • Snapshot settings AWS Secret Key and Private Key PEM will no longer be returned to the frontend and visible in the browser when navigating to the Management console settings page.
  • Replicated will now prune PodDisruptionBudget and HorizontalPodAutoscaler when restarting a Replicated Embedded Kubernetes application.
  • Snapshots that backup to S3 can now use a folder path within a bucket.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused the LdapCopyAuthFrom function to fail to render values in the config yaml.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause templated configuration options to be missing trailing characters when saved.
  • Fixed an issue that caused $ characters in a Swarm Compose YAML spec to be interpolated as environment variables.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause when conditions to not be respected while configuration options are being modified on the Settings page.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented TLS hostname changes from being saved on the Console Settings page.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Admin Console from automatically redirecting to the new host when the TLS hostname is changed on the Console Settings page.
  • Fixed an issue where memory usage increased each time a new configuration is applied to a running Replicated Embedded Kubernetes application.
  • Password fields that have not been filled out yet will no longer show placeholder characters.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the operator to not reconnect to Replicated daemon during Replicated upgrades.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause metrics graphs on the dashboard to not render any data.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Native Raw Command Custom Preflight Checks to timeout prior to completion.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Docker Swarm Programmable Test Procedures from running when the underlying Swarm service includes an environment section.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Premkit pod from restarting after TLS certificate changes when using Replicated Embedded Kubernetes, resulting in the Audit Log failing to render.
  • Fixed an issue that caused files with extremely long lines to not be included in support bundles when using global data scrubbers.
  • Updated the preflight Docker version check to require the correct pinned 18.09.2 version of Docker.
  • All known CVEs with fixes have been patched in all images distributed by Replicated at the time of the release. For more information see this article.


Bug Fixes

  • This release contains bug fixes.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that could cause metrics graphs on the dashboard to not render any data when using the Native scheduler.



  • Replicated will now install Docker version 18.09.2-ce as the default version when using the Swarm or Native schedulers.
  • Replicated will now install Docker version 18.06.2-ce as the default version when using Replicated Embedded Kubernetes.
  • Replicated will now configure overlay2 as the Docker storage driver when running with the xfs filesystem (RHEL 7.2 and higher), but only with d_type=true enabled. Previously, Replicated would configure Devicemapper regardless of filesystem when running on a 3.10 kernel.

Bug Fixes