
Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue in 2.12.0 that caused LDAP auth to fail when no restricted group is specified.


New Features

  • Replicated now supports LDAP and Active Directory configurations that require multiple domains or organizational units. This works with the Admin Console security settings and the LDAP Integration API.
  • Additional YAML fields have been added to the Replicated scheduler to support SELinux.
  • SELinux support was also added to the Kubernetes scheduler in Replicated.


  • The easy install script will now install Docker 17.06.2, unless otherwise specified.
  • Install scripts now supports the replicated_tag flag to set the version for all Replicated components.
  • Added a new LDAP Server Type selector to the Admin Console password screen.
  • Upgraded Replicated core components to use the latest alpine:3.6 and debian:stretch base images.
  • When using the Replicated scheduler, all node addresses will be added to the NO_PROXY and no_proxy environment variables in every application container.

Bug Fixes

  • The file /var/log/upstart/docker.log was missing from the support bundle.
  • Resolved an issue that was preventing custom monitors from appearing in the Admin Console of new browser sessions.
  • When the snapshots tile was hidden from the Admin Console, the “reload” button could not be dismissed.
  • Removed an extra (duplicated) field from the Console Settings snapshots section.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the CA from being properly restored on remote nodes.
  • If a required, interim release is not present during an airgap update, the Admin Console would report that it was unable to reach api.replicated.com. This is now the correct message.
  • Fixed a crash when templates are used in a config group run_on_save property.
  • Fixed an issue that caused incorrect text to be displayed by default in the port field of the Admin Console LDAP interface.
  • Fixed some cases where Replicated was not settings the no_proxy variable when using the Replicated scheduler.
  • Removed a lock that could cause replicated-operator and replicated to lose communication when using the Replicated scheduler.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some user entities returned by the Identity Integration API to be missing groups for Active Directory servers.
  • Updated our install scripts to properly support RHEL 6.


Bug Fixes

  • Remote node operators will no longer attempt to pull containers that are disabled by the ‘when’ condition.


New Features

  • The Replicated snapshot feature has several highly-anticipated updates, including:
    • Kubernetes Support
    • Incremental Snapshots, with files being deduplicated across future snapshots.
    • S3 and SFTP Configuration Options
    • Note: Snapshots taken in 2.10.4 and earlier will not be compatible with this. We recommend a snapshot before and after upgrading to be safe.


  • Default preflight checks will no longer include a check for linux distribution and version.
  • Status messages sent to the Integration API while waiting for the ready-state command to complete will now be displayed on the admin console.
  • Replaced the replicatedctl -v and replicatedctl --version flags with a version subcommand that will print the Replicated client version.
  • Added replicatedd -v and replicatedd --version flags to print the Replicated server version.

Bug Fixes

  • The scheduler/container/<container> directory is no longer missing from the support bundle when support_commands and/or support_files are included in a container definition.
  • Self-signed TLS certificate changes are now applied straight away.
  • The migration script from 1.2 to 2.x no longer causes aborts when an http proxy is set via the user input prompt.
  • The migration script from 1.2 to 2.x no longer causes the app name to be erased from the admin console.
  • The admin console no longer references or uses unnecessary assets.
  • Fixed an issue in the support bundle that was causing errors to be logged when support commands or support files are empty in the yaml.
  • Cert/key generation after a restore is now generated against the correct CA.
  • The Proxy settings save and apply functionality in the admin console has been fixed when running on a systemd server.
  • Fixed an issue that prevents configuration settings from being saved when Replicated’s encryption cipher changes after a restore.
  • Error statuses sent to the Integration API before polling for the ready state will now correctly stop the app startup sequence and show the error message.
  • Missing Docker Upstart logs have been added to the support bundle.
  • The messaging on the Settings screen save modal has been improved to indicate that an application restart will occur when clicking the confirm button for the Replicated native scheduler.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented viewing preflight checks in the UI when ShouldBypassPreflightChecks is enabled in the replicated.conf file.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented old images from being removed with the Swarm scheduler.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where remote operators were not pulling images in parallel.
  • Prevented a race condition that would occur on a high number of clustered nodes with parallel pulls enabled.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where IP addresses could not be set as hostnames for self-signed certificates.



  • The number of images pulled in parallel is now determined by the number of CPUs. This will help remove contention when pulling several images on underpowered servers.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that could cause Replicated to start containers out of order when they are specified in the same component and at least one is optional.


New Features


  • When using the Replicated scheduler, all Docker images will be pulled in parallel to speed up installations when running Docker version 1.10.0 or later.
  • Replicated now fully supports Docker 17.06. New installations will start with 17.06 unless otherwise specified in preflight checks.
  • The Admin Console will now use a single connection to Graphite when querying metric data.
  • When automating an installation for testing, boolean values no longer require quotes.
  • The Replicated data directory can be overridden using the DefaultDataDir environment variable or a --default_data_dir flag.
  • Added a top level YAML key named support where all custom support files and commands can be declared.
  • Replicated console settings changes are now included in the audit log.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that would cause the Replicated easy install script to exit with no output when updating Replicated on Debian based distributions.
  • Password fields on the Admin Console settings page can now be erased.
  • Replicated will now respect the removal of the http proxy in runtime configuration
  • Disconnecting a node will no longer prevent app from starting when preflight checks fail.
  • The hosted docker-compose.yml for installing Replicated on Docker Swarm was updated to work correctly with Docker 17.03 and later.



  • LDAP anonymous binds will no longer be supported and will now require a password.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes an issue where users were able to log into the admin console without a password when LDAP authentication was enabled using AD or when anonymous binds were enabled on the LDAP server.
  • Fixes an issue where resource contention causes operators to disconnect.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where ConfigOption templates will fail to evaluate when the target is a sub-item of an item with type select_many.