
New Features


  • When using the Replicated scheduler, all Docker images will be pulled in parallel to speed up installations when running Docker version 1.10.0 or later.
  • Replicated now fully supports Docker 17.06. New installations will start with 17.06 unless otherwise specified in preflight checks.
  • The Admin Console will now use a single connection to Graphite when querying metric data.
  • When automating an installation for testing, boolean values no longer require quotes.
  • The Replicated data directory can be overridden using the DefaultDataDir environment variable or a --default_data_dir flag.
  • Added a top level YAML key named support where all custom support files and commands can be declared.
  • Replicated console settings changes are now included in the audit log.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that would cause the Replicated easy install script to exit with no output when updating Replicated on Debian based distributions.
  • Password fields on the Admin Console settings page can now be erased.
  • Replicated will now respect the removal of the http proxy in runtime configuration
  • Disconnecting a node will no longer prevent app from starting when preflight checks fail.
  • The hosted docker-compose.yml for installing Replicated on Docker Swarm was updated to work correctly with Docker 17.03 and later.