

  • Support bundle now includes Journald logs
  • Detect Red Hat flavored docker

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved direct access issue for graphite UI dashboard
  • Resolved console settings update proxy flow


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that created an invalid layer digest on Docker 1.7.1 - 1.9.1.


Bug Fixes

  • Fix for max number of snapshots retained


Bug Fixes

  • Snapshosts could hang when multiple included volumes exist on a single node.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed air gap edge case that could prevent installs from completing


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused the HostPublicIpAddress and HostPrivateIpAddress template functions to fail if they are included in the app properties (app_url) field.


New Features

  • Replicated will now clean up old images. When new versions of your containers are installed, Replicated will find and delete old versions of your images to reclaim disk space.
  • Support for the Docker registry protocol v2 for private images. We’ve completely rewritten how Replicated pulls images and have documented it completely.


  • Wait for all preflight checks to show as passed before showing the continue button.
  • We now stop containers before removing them. This will ensure that your containers get a proper signal before shutting down.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug in our leveldb database that could cause a crash while taking a snapshot or generating a support bundle.
  • Fixed a bug that cause admin commands with arguments to not receive the arguments.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Replicated from parsing non-standard version numbers of Docker. Some forks are not using semver, and we now parse this better.



  • The public_ip cmd will never return an error now. If there’s no public ip address available, it will return an empty string.

Bug Fixes

  • Removed a bug that would cause the dashboard to show the application running when a container died unexpectedly.
  • Made “Never” work in the console setting “Check For Updates”



  • Ready state now support timeouts [http://docs.replicated.com/docs/yaml-configuration#section-health-check]
  • New Replicated installs now start nicely on restarts with IP changes

Bug Fixes

  • Support bundle fix to save into the host operating system
  • Ephemeral containers are now skipped during snapshots


New Features

  • Added ability to specify custom wait interval for YAML ready_state commands. Default is still 10 minutes.
  • Added Ubuntu 16.04 LTS to accepted OSes in the preflight checks.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where old snapshots were not being deleted.
  • Fixed a bug where snapshots were automatically run, even when disabled on a new installation.