
Bug Fixes

  • Fixed data types returned in fields by the /v1/license integration endpoint.


Bug Fixes

  • Added a delete button to the /cluster page. If a replicated-operator is stopped, you can delete it from this page.


New Features

  • Changed default installer to bring Docker 1.11.1.
  • Added a new is_ephemeral attribute to volumes. If this is present, the volume will automatically be excluded from snapshots and the volume will not prevent the node from being relocated.


  • If a cmd fails, the application will no longer start anyway.
  • Automatically prefixing a http:// to the user-provided proxy value, if not already there.
  • Changed replicated_api_version from 1.3.5 to 2.3.5. All 2.0.x releases will now have a 2.x replicated_api_version.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an unescaped Active Directory query.
  • Changed the max groups an LDAP user can belong to from 50 to a higher 1000.


New Features

  • Added an Integration API endpoint and AppSetting template function to retrieve the license channel name.

Bug Fixes

  • Some bug fixes in the Airgap installation process.


New Features

  • Embedded some Google Fonts into the container. If you are custom branding and want to change the font, it will work offline now.
  • Added a new page served over port 80. This will help prepare your customer to accept the self-signed SSL cert before continuing.


  • Added license_id and installation_id to the Integration API.
  • Added replicated-operator version number to the /cluster page.
  • Added CPU Hz to the preflight checks.
  • Added replicated-versions.txt to the support bundle. This will make it easier to find versions of all Replicated components installed.

Bug Fixes

  • License sync interval was set to “never” by default. It’s now set to 10 hours.
  • Fix exec events throwing an exception about the wrong data type.
  • Set volume permissions when specified in YAML.
  • Severity status messages were not sticking on the UI.
  • Admin command alias was not being creating on read-only filesystems.


New Features

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where “started” could be reported as “starting”.


New Features

  • Added some basic preflight checks that will run before allowing a license to be uploaded.
  • Changed our memory and CPU metrics collection to go directly into a statsd/graphite container. This will still be displayed in our custom dashboard, but data is now stored in statsd.
  • Added ability to specify custom monitors in YML and show them on the dashboard.
  • Added Integration API endpoint to retrieve the statsd location.
  • Added Integration API endpoint to auth against the admin console security.


  • License sync will automatically occur every 5 hours.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a couple of bugs that were preventing automated installs (test and QA) from completing.