

  • Support bundle v2 now includes Docker Journald logs and system load averages by default on all schedulers.
  • The Kubernetes scheduler uses a ClusterIP service for internal servers for online installs and a NodePort service for airgapped installs.

Bug Fixes

  • Replicated Operator now limits the size of retained application logs. This defaults to 500MB and can be configured by adding -e APP_LOG_SIZE=500MB in /etc/default/replicated-operator, with 0 being unlimited.
  • Resolved a failure to pull the replicated cmd image that may result in failures in raw preflight checks.
  • Fixed image pull errors in online multi-node airgap caused by attempting to use the local registry.


New Features

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue that prevented familiar formats of docker images from being used in Swarm and Kubernetes yaml.
  • Resolved an issue that may prevent metrics from showing up in the dashboard due to a panic in the remote operator container.



  • This release rolls back changes in 2.19.2


Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue where applications could fail to start due to errors pulling the registry.replicated.com/library/cmd image.


Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue in the Kubernetes Scheduler that caused the import airgap images task to terminate before it completed.


New Features

  • Replicated can now install and manage a multi-node Kubernetes appliance.
    • There is now an option to add nodes to a Kubernetes cluster from the /cluster page in the Admin Console.
    • Replicated will install and manage Rook for relocatable persistent storage.
    • When running a cluster with at least three nodes, it is possible to have Ceph/Rook clustering enabled to allow data volumes to be stored on multiple nodes.
    • Replicated continues to support installation on existing Kubernetes clusters for customers who choose to manage their own cluster.


Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue that caused multi-line environment variables to fail to parse, preventing the application from starting.
  • Resolved a panic during restore when Replicated snapshots are misconfigured.
  • Resolved an issue where application logs were not showing up in the Kubernetes support bundle.
  • Resolved an issue where Admin Console Audit Logs would not persist when restarting Replicated on Kubernetes.
  • Replicated Docker images have been updated to address the following CVEs:
    • CVE-2017-14062 and CVE-2018-6954 with High severity
    • CVE-2017-3738 and CVE-2018-1049 with Medium severity
    • CVE-2012-2663, CVE-2013-4392, CVE-2017-18078, CVE-2017-1000082 and CVE-2018-0733 with Negligible severity
    • CVE-2017-15422 and CVE-2018-0739 with Unknown severity


New Features

  • Replicated now supports installing and managing single-node Kubernetes 1.9.3 appliances. We’ve written a guide to help you get started.
    • The Kubernetes installation will work in airgapped, proxy and online environments.
    • The installation scripts will install Docker, Kubernetes, Replicated and your application.
    • We currently install Kubernetes 1.9.3.
    • All persistence volumes (PVs) will be mounted as a hostPath.
    • For multi-node and more custom Kubernetes installations, Replicated can be installed in an existing Kubernetes cluster.
  • Support bundle v2 has been updated to allow managing support definitions independently of your application yaml.
    • By default, all installations will continue running the standard support bundle, reading the support_files and support_cmd keys from the application yaml.
    • The v2 support bundle will use support definitions from Replicated Console if any exist for your team. When using support definitions from console, files and commands specified within the application yaml are ignored.
    • The new support bundle spec documentation is documented in the Help Center.


  • Added support for anonymous LDAP binding when using the Replicated LDAP identity integration.
  • User search DN is now optional for LDAP identity integration.
  • When running on EC2, leaving the AWS_ACCESS_KEY/SECRET_ACCESS_KEY empty in the Snapshot configuration will now use IAM roles for authentication.

Bug Fixes

  • The Swarm scheduler can be used with a proxy.
  • Resolved an issue where the application would fail to start with no such image error when application images were removed from docker.
  • All known CVEs with patches have been fixed in Replicated Docker images.
  • All known CVEs with patches have been fixed in third party Javascript libraries.
  • Fixed an issue on the native scheduler that could cause an error “image not found” if a container’s when condition is toggled from false to true during application startup.
  • Resolved an issue that prevented replicatedctl params import and replicatedctl params export command from functioning properly when formatted with yaml.


New Features


  • Internal Replicated image-pull policies have been changed from Always to IfNotPresent for the Kubernetes scheduler.

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue where metrics graphs could be missing from dashboard when a large number of metrics is included.
  • Patched XSS CVE in third-party javascript library “marked” in the Replicated UI.
  • All known CVEs with patches have been fixed in Replicated Docker images.
  • Fixed an incompatibility with airgap bundles built prior to release 2.13.0 and versions of Replicated post 2.13.0 that resulted in empty environment variable values in application containers.
  • Improved multi-document yaml parsing to support comments below the Replicated document metadata.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Replicated 2.16.1+ from initializing when TLSBootstrapHostname was included in replicated.conf bootstrap arguments.


Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue where template functions could display incorrect values on the settings page if their targets had a when clause that evaluated to false.



  • The Premkit, Statsd-graphite and Cmd containers are now hosted on registry.replicated.com/library.

Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue where the CLI would not respect the custom support timeout and timeout after 5 minutes.
  • Replicated audit log containers no longer publish any ports on the hosts’s network.