
New Features


  • Host networking will now be disabled for the Replicated On-Prem Registry at port 9874 when passing the disable-replicated-host-networking flag to the Replicated Native Scheduler installation scripts.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that could cause the replicated-ui container to fail to start up after a Replicated upgrade when using the Native scheduler.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause Swarm scheduler Replicated auto-upgrades to overwrite customizations made to the Replicated services using the tls-cert-path installer flag.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause Swarm scheduler Replicated auto-upgrades to overwrite customizations made to the Replicated services using the ui-bind-port installer flag.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Replicated to fail to prune images in the on-prem registry when too many app releases are installed due to timeouts.
  • Fixed an issue that would often cause the user to be redirected to the Settings page of the Admin Console.
  • All known CVEs with fixes have been patched in all images distributed by Replicated at the time of the release. For more information see this article.