
New Features

  • Airgapped licenses can now be updated by uploading a file on the Console Settings (/console/settings) page of the Replicated Admin Console.
  • The optional flag taint-control-plane has been added when using the Replicated Embedded Kubernetes installation scripts to prevent Pods from running on master nodes alongside the control plane. This will add the node-role.kubernetes.io/master: NoSchedule taint to all master nodes.
  • The Replicated Native Scheduler will now map a range of ports when clustering is enabled and cluster_instance_count.initial is greater than one and a port.public_port is exposed explicitly on the host.
  • The command replicatedctl snapshot rm has been added to allow for the removal of a snapshot from the Replicated CLI.


Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused failures from the kubeadm init command to be ignored by the Replicated Embedded Kubernetes installation script.
  • Increased the minimum Ceph pool size on multi-node Replicated Embedded Kubernetes clusters to 2 to prevent data loss from the loss of a single node.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Rook Ceph Object Gateway replication factor not to be applied, leading to data loss from the loss of a single node.
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent a Replicated Embedded Kubernetes application from starting when the application defines an APIService.
  • Fixed an issue when using the Native scheduler that could cause the application to restart when Replicated is updated.
  • Failure to meet the minimum replicated_api_version requirement will no longer prevent Replicated from downloading new versions of an application. An application update will still fail if the requirement is not met.
  • When running the command replicatedctl app-config set, Test Procs with the run_on_save property set to true will only run for items that are changing, no longer preventing the command from succeeding.
  • Snapshot restore now supports AWS Instance Profiles.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the SFTP Snapshots temporary directory not to be properly cleaned up when a snapshot failure occurs.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a Support Bundle to be empty when a task timeout occurs.
  • Weave container logs will now default to info level rather than debug level.
  • The Replicated Premkit container logs will now default to info level rather than debug level.
  • Silenced noisy TLS handshake errors from the Replicated UI server logs.
  • Silenced long errors from i18n in the Replicated Daemon logs when a template fails to evaluate.
  • All known CVEs with fixes have been patched in all images distributed by Replicated at the time of the release. For more information see this article.