
New Features

  • RHEL 7.7 support has been added to Replicated Embedded Kubernetes.
  • A progress bar has been added for airgap bundle uploads.
  • Replicated installer will run preflight checks to validate disk usage, docker configuration, security and networking settings prior to installing Replicated.


  • It is now possible to upgrade a Replicated Embedded Kubernetes cluster to a multi-master configuration by re-running the installation scripts with the “ha” flag.
  • Node tags will no longer prevent a Native application from starting if all containers within a component are excluded via the when condition.
  • Messaging has been improved for template parsing errors in Kubernetes and Swarm Compose YAML specs.
  • App release information has been added to the support bundle at /replicated/internal/app-releases.txt.
  • Shared filesystem volumes will now have a sliding replication level based on the number of nodes in the cluster. Previously the replication level was fixed at 2.
  • Long-running Replicated containers now have sane defaults set for the max-size and max-file options when running with the json-file Docker logging driver.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the Admin console that would require a manual refresh of the browser after replicated upgrades.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause a file input field on the Config screen to use the previous file contents when the same file is chosen a second time after changing the file contents on the local disk.
  • Improved error messaging on the Admin console for upgrade failures.
  • Fixed an issue where the installation of additional Kubernetes masters would fail when using a custom certificate without the proper IP SANs. Replicated will now use a generated cert in place of the custom one in this scenario.
  • Fixed issues with hostnames containing uppercase letters for the Kubernetes installer.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause Kubernetes resources without replicas explicitly set to fail to scale up when the application is restarted.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause CPU and memory graphs to fail to load on the native scheduler.
  • Quieted noisy logging of Unauthorized errors when logged out of the Admin Console.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause Replicated on Kubernetes to fail to collect some support bundle files when the support bundle container gets scheduled on any node other than the one on which the replicated pod is running.
  • Fixed an issue that would result in a “Success” message on the Admin Console config screen in place of the Programmable Test Procedure custom success message.
  • Fixed an issue that allowed users of airgapped installations to overwrite the installed license by replacing the license on disk with one from a different customer or application.
  • Improvements have been made to fix the reliability of the Support Bundle V1.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the operator to fail to reconnect with message “duplicate operator id”.
  • All known CVEs with fixes have been patched in all images distributed by Replicated at the time of the release. For more information see this article.